Author Tony J. Selimi Has Received the Literary Titan Gold Book Award for his Riveting Masterpiece A Path to Excellence.
Author Tony J. Selimi Has Received a Nomination for San Francisco Book Award for his Riveting Masterpiece A Path to Excellence.
Author Tony J. Selimi Has Received the Maincrest Media Book Award for his Riveting Masterpiece A Path to Excellence.
Author Tony J. Selimi Has Received the Book Excellence Award for his Riveting Masterpiece A Path to Excellence.

The Octagon of Excellence

8 Confidence, Resilience, and Virtuous Building Principles You Can Master Right Now

Inside, you’ll discover more about the eight essential components of human excellence and how to go beyond the perceived doubts, fears, and limits you'll face as you go through the eight inevitable cycles of life.

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3 Strategies for Achieving Excellence

Explore & Transform

You are destined for excellence. No matter what you have achieved, how old you are, or what stage in life you are at. Who you are at any moment in time is the result of the choices that you have made. The moment you understand you are the creator of your destiny and embrace it and believe it - your growth, fulfilment and success are assured. If you want to be great at what you do, the first step is to choose to pursue excellence. The strategies outlined in this book will help you objectively explore your inner and outer realities, identify what personal excellence means to you, and assist you in charting a clear path to achieving your most inspired goals, whether personal, relationship, professional, financial or business. Every principle shared helps you explore the terra incognita of your mind so you can discover what you are truly able to achieve.
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Direction & Focus

Your life is not going according to plan because of the lack of clarity, focus, and procrastination. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can turn things around and create your ideal future. As Tony Robbins would say: "Where focus goes, energy flows." A Path to Excellence will help you get there by showing you how to focus on what will contact you to where you want to be in faster and more effective ways. Each chapter reveals how excellence works in the toughest psychological, health, relationship, and business challenges that could stand between you and success. With insight and anecdotes, author Tony J. Selimi explains how to climb out of a rut, take on more significant challenges, keep moving forward no matter what life throws, and achieve your goals without sacrificing health or joy.
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Science & Spirit

Spirit without matter is expressionless, and matter without the spirit is emotionless. With this awareness in mind and his ‘scientific and human behaviour specialist’ hat on that Tony J. Selimi synthesized thirty years of cross-disciplinary research and created The Octagon of Excellence® Method. Using eight steps and eight confidence building, genius enhancing, resilience and strength building, and self-mastery transforming principles, you can learn how to overcome the challenges of eight transitional life cycles that happen to us for growth and becoming the very best in whatever we are called to do in life. This book helps you question the b**sh** rules that have hijacked your greatness, transcend old paradigms, and overcome the obstacles you may encounter on your quest for personal, professional, leadership and business excellence.
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A Personal Note

"I believe that achieving personal, professional, or business excellence is attainable for anyone willing to work hard and smartly accomplish a vision beyond oneself. " - Tony J. Selimi

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Ideal For

  • CEOs, HR, teams, and employees.
  • Business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders.
  • Life, business, leadership, executive and corporate coaches and mentors.
  • Parents, teachers, professors, and students.
  • Doctors, nurses, and complementary therapists.
  • Authors, speakers, educators and trainers
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Tony J. Selimi

Award-Winning Author, Transformational Life and Business Coach Specialising in Human Behaviour

Born in 1969 in Gostivar, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Tony Jeton Selimi moved to London in 1990 at age 20 to find a haven from the atrocities of the civil war he had to fight. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, he went from living homeless and penniless to an internationally recognised authority and a leader in personal, professional, leadership and business development, professional speaker, an award-winning author, filmmaker, transformational life and business coach specialising in human behaviour, emotional intelligence and maximising human potential.

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